• Money Damages: Understanding What Personal Injury Compensation Means

    When the worst happens, and you get injured in a wreck, your first priority will be taking care of your injuries and getting your life back to normal again. Soon, you will be well enough to take action on your claim and to get the financial compensation that you need and deserve. You may be confused about what is really meant by the term compensation, or money damages, so read on to learn more about what you can expect to be paid as a result of your accident, your injuries and all the other ways your life has been altered.
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  • Has Your Loved One Been Injured In A Car Accident? What You Should Do Once You Are Notified

    Following a car accident, there are certain things that people should do to help obtain evidence for a potential personal injury claim. But if they have been injured, they are unable to do this as they need to seek medical treatment. Fortunately, family members can do a few things that can help you with a future claim. If your loved one has been injured in a car accident, here are a few of the steps you should take while your loved one is getting the medical treatment they need:
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  • What Can You Do About A Bite From A Neighbor's Dog?

    Dogs have always been viewed as a man's best friend. But no matter how cute they are, there will always be some risk that they would bite someone who is not familiar to them. In cases you are bitten by a neighbor's dog or the dog of someone you work for, seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney. If you are the one bitten, the very first thing that you should do is to wash the wound thoroughly with running water and soap.
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  • When Serious Injury Strikes

    For minor traffic accidents or slip and fall cases in stores, you can expect some level of help from the at-fault parties. In most cases, you can have your medical bills and a few other damages covered without having to do much more than file a claim. Not all injuries are minor and simple, however. The below three types of injuries are more difficult to prove and can be a lot more complicated to litigate.
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  • Two Things Drivers Should Always Keep In Their Car In Case Of An Accident

    One of the biggest things that you can do to help yourself out after a car accident is to think ahead -- because you may just end up in a lawsuit. Even if you aren't the sort of person to run to an attorney right away, that doesn't mean that the other driver's insurance company is going to play fair. That means that it's just smart business to assume that every car accident is going to end in a lawsuit and act accordingly.
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