How Can The Same-Sex Marriage Decision Affect Your Disability Benefits?

Posted on: 5 October 2015

If you're in a committed same-sex relationship, you may have been ecstatic at the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges, holding that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. However, if you receive federal disability benefits, it's possible that marrying your partner could affect the amount you're eligible to receive, or even your ability to move into your spouse's home or co-mingle property. Read on to learn more about how this decision (and your decision to marry) could affect your receipt of certain federal disability benefits.
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4 Personal Behaviors That Can Affect Your Car Accident Settlement

Posted on: 15 September 2015

When a driver causes a serious accident, the insurance company is likely to offer a settlement to the injured persons. That settlement may seem unreasonably low. When an injured person attempts to get a better settlement, the insurance company typically stands its ground. This is only natural, since the insurer doesn't want to pay out more than it needs to.  Often, the individual's behavior in his or her own personal life gives the insurer evidence that supports its case to stick with the low settlement.
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Cameras In Nursing Home Rooms: A New Effort to Prevent Medical Malpractice

Posted on: 9 September 2015

When you place your loved one into the care of a nursing home facility, you expect the staff to treat the person with care and respect. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a rising problem. According to statistics available on the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) website, up to 10 percent of respondents to the study experienced elder abuse in the prior year. However, a law recently passed in Illinois aims to help reduce the abuse of elderly people by allowing the family of patients to place cameras in their nursing home rooms.
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Social Security Disability And Veteran's Disability: 3 Things Veterans Need To Know

Posted on: 19 August 2015

Did you know that if you're a disabled veteran, you may be eligible for both Social Security Disability benefits and Veteran's Disability benefits? You can collect both at the same time, but it means going through the process of applying for disability benefits twice. What's more, there are some important differences in the two processes that you're going to need to know about to successfully qualify for disability benefits. Take a look at some of the most important things that you should know about the differences between Social Security Disability and Veteran's disability.
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