• How To Interact With An Auto Insurance Provider After A Car Accident

    When you are involved in a car accident, you may eventually need to speak with an insurance adjuster. They will want to ask you questions that will allow them to process your claim and determine how much you will be paid for the accident. The insurance adjuster may also look for excuses to reduce your settlement. Therefore, you should prepare yourself for your conversation with the insurance adjuster in various ways.
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  • Why "Fault" Is Still A Factor In No-Fault Claims

    When you live in a state in which cars are insured by a no-fault insurance system, you might assume that nobody is at fault after a car accident. However, this actually isn't true. There will still be an at-fault party responsible for the accident, but a no-fault insurance claim is handled in a different manner. No-Fault vs. At-Fault Insurance States When you are in a no-fault state, you will file a claim with your insurance provider when you are injured as a result of an accident.
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  • Marijuana Consumption Can Often Affect A Commercial Truck Accident Case

    Recreational marijuana is being legalized in more states and even more states allow for medical marijuana. However, the consumption of marijuana can affect the ability of a commercial truck driver to safely operate a vehicle. If you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck driver and you believe they are under the influence of marijuana, make sure to bring this up with the police officer who responds to your accident.
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